Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Final SAT Reasoning Test Result-1700 and SAT Subject Test Result-1160

The most beautiful feelings in my life;finishing my last year in The American High School Diploma.The Egyption Government required a high score to join the paramount faculities in Egypt,and by the help of God,I got the required score.I am so happy not only because I reached my target but also because I will join The Faculity Of Medicine that is my dream.
I really thanks my teachers for thier efforts with me:
Prof.Moahmed Ragab,Math Prof.
Prof.Abd El-rahman Ragab,English Prof.
Really,without them I would not be abled to reach this success
Now,I am living the most moments in my life.
(I gifts my success to my Father's soul)
(soliloquy for you is not enough)
Although I am an Egyption,Non-native,I got the final mark in Essay,12 out of 12,and this is the most achievment I did in my SAT Reasoning Test.
My Report Score
SAT Reasoning Test
Writing-640 (12 Essay)
Critical Reading-420

Essay Page 1

Essay Page 2

SAT Subject Test
Biology E\M (M)-570
Math2 (Level IC)-590
Physics (Uncounted)-410

Finally,I hope to have a nice time during my life,and Iam so happy because I started blogging in English again after a long time blogging in only Arabic.
Hope all the best ans wait for my new topics


By.Hossam E. Shahien
Statment:Sucess is your hardworking;satisfaction;conscience


قلم رصاص said...

Congratulations my dear freind,Hossam.Really, i'm so happy for you and i want The Allah help you to achieve your aims and to be one of the Egyptian clever doctors all over the world.

Please,give me your e-mail my freind Hossam to talk with you nearly.

Good luck



ellie said...

Thank you so much for the wonder note. I hope all it well with you and you are having a great summer. You've accomplished so much. Wishing you all the best.

Hossam said...

my lovely frind Qalam Rsas
miss to u sooooooo much
ur words are really motivites me
I will give u ma msn,and I hope to see u soon

Hossam said...

Really,thnak you very much for ur visit
thnx for ur words and for ur hope to me
thnx again
c u

mahasen saber said...

congratulation hossam

my dear perfect lovley friend

wish4 u all z best
and i hope 2 see my son clever man like u
wish u all all z best
and u deserv more

حلم بيعافر said...

conratulation&happy life

انت تسال والكمبيوتر يجيب said...


سعداء بالمرور هنا وندعوك للأشتراك فى برنامجنا الأذاعى من الأذاعه الرئيسيه لمصر اى أذاعة البرنامج العام ويذاع يومياالتاسعه وعشر دقائق صباحا عدا الجمعه.

التفاصيل فى

تحاتنا وامنياتنا لك بالتوفيق

dramaqueen said...

Congratulations Hossam

الف مبروك يا حسام
بجد فرحت لك جدا جدا
مبروك يا دكتور
ان شاء الله تبقى متفوق ومتميز فى دراستك

المدونة بجد حلوة معلش دخلتها متاخر
ميرسى على ردك عندى
بس ايه اللى خلاك تقول انى متجوزة ومخلفة؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
الف مبروووووووووووك

dina said...

الف الف مبروك......بسم الله ما شاء الله
دايما من انجاز لانجاز و من نجاح لنجاح....انا حاسة انى حقرا عالمدونة دى قريب خبر ترشيحك لجايزة عالمية مثلا و لا انجازك فى مجال مش عارفة هو ايه.....بس عارفة انك اكيد حتغير فى المكان اللى حتكون موجود فيه
يا ريت كل العالم افتراضى زى عالمك

Desert cat said...

الف الف مبروووك يا حسام
يارب دائما مستقبلك مشروق ومكلل بالنجاح

أبو كريم said...

dear Hossam
i'm here to repay your visit to my humble blog. I'm happy for your sucess and i'll be more happier to see you as a famous doctor not only in Egyp but also outside of it.

wish you all the best of luck and remember we are friends

your brand new friend
Bahaa / Abo Kareem

Anonymous said...

مبروك ياحسام بجد انت مثال للشاب المسلم المثقف

Unknown said...

Hey Hossam
Congrats On yr Score man ,, wish you all the best ...
i was hoping that you would help me with my essay cause it will differ big time with my score..

BTW i am Hesham and i am an eleventh grader and i tried out SAT for the last two trials May & June
FOr the First time i scored a 1640 ,, 670 Maths ... 510 Writing (7 essay)
and 460 Reading

and for my 2nd time
i got 1770 (Maths 700) (Writing 560[Again 7 scored essay]) (510 Reading)

and i'd be thankful if u were able to help me with the essay

*is your essay a pre learned one or not