Monday, December 3, 2007

My First Post

everyday at our life,we subjected to alot of diffierent sitiuations.somwtimes these sitiuations make us feel with happiness,upset,and injustice.if the one cant face the bad hampers gracefully,he will be the guilty one always.MIDDLE EAST people known for thiere sufferage from alot of problems.i will talk about my scocity (EGYPT) and the hinderances meet its people.i will present actions in my scociety to transfer it by a simple way to all people all over the world.
about my personal situations,they are filled with alot of pain.pain from friends especially at study.
this is hossam,ordianry boy,studying the american diploma(subjected to MADONNA UNIVERSITY).borned in amazing girth.
-father,charicticized by opening of mind,kindness,and veneration
-mother,charicticized by kindness and source of secure
hope to be a light friend for all
wait my new thmes
c u soon bye


Anonymous said...

Greeting from America, my father is from Egypt, but my mother is from South Carolina, USA.
My father came here about 30 years ago.

I have lived in South Carolina all my life. I don't even know how to speak arabic. I hope to talk woth you about the differences in culture and your life in Egypt.

Good job on your first post!

Hossam said...

hello elizabeth
greetings from egypt
it is ma pleasure to be the first comment on ma first post at my english blog
i will present clearly and simply the difference between culture
c u

Hossam said...

hi elizabeth
promise the second topic will be on this branch of egyption life

Jan said...

Salaam, Hossam! You are amazing to be blogging in several languages. I am American but live in Mexico. Best wishes to you.

Hossam said...

hello jan
it is really my pleasure to c u here
thnx for ur words
c u soon

mohaawad8 said...

iam an egyptian boy an i live in egypt
allow me to tell you that it is a good idea to talk about us ,egyptians, to make others know us on our real face not the face they only imagine
i hope you get success
and allow me to be from your vistors
my best wishes

Hossam said...

being my frind is my pleasure
thnx for ur comment

Jennifer Louise said...

I like your blog. :)

Hossam said...

hello MISS
thnx for ur visite
hope be a frinds
c u soon